Strategic Consultancy in Packaging Markets

Digitization, product protection or sustainability: the packaging industry faces a variety of challenges. Companies have to reinvent themselves and their products time and again in order to grow within the highly competitive packaging market. Success is only possible for the innovative and forward-looking.

Backed by 40 years of industry experience in the packaging value chain, combined with expertise in strategic consulting, packstrategy helps you make the right decisions for the growth of your company.

Our Consulting Services in Packaging Markets

Strategic growth and expansion

  • Which regions, markets or market niches can you succeed in entering?
  • Where is there particular growth potential?
  • What risks and barriers exist to entering these markets, and can they be successfully overcome?
  • What changes must be made to the business model or the added value in order for successful growth to continue in the future?
  • Is the growth through vertical or horizontal integration promising, and which companies are suitable candidates for takeover?

Analysis of markets, competitors and technologies

  • How big is the market and how will it develop in the future?
  • What factors influence the market forecast?
  • How is the competitive landscape structured and how are market shares developing?
  • Which strategies is the competition pursuing, and what response to these will hold the promise of success?
  • What technological trends shape the packaging market?
  • What marketing opportunities do product or technology innovations have to offer?
  • Do competing technologies exist and what potential do they have?

Professional Expertise in the Packaging Value Chain

Packaging material production

The reduction of packaging material consumption and the use of recyclable materials are currently the top issues for packaging material manufacturers. Successful companies master this challenge by finding a balance between resource efficiency and the ever-increasing demands on product protection, and by adapting their production technologies accordingly.

Project example of marketing opportunities: strategic market entry analysis of high-barrier films

A manufacturer developed a new technology to produce films with exceptionally high barrier properties und wants to bring them to the market.

packstrategy analyzes and assesses

  • the latest trends for product protection and barrier properties
  • the current market volume subdivided into film type and product categories with demand for high barrier properties
  • the economical, socio-demographical and legal framework
  • innovations and competing technologies for high-barrier films
  • the future market potential subdivided into film type and product categories with demand for high barrier properties
  • the top fillers / converters with demand for high-barrier films by product categories
  • the economic feasibility of different courses of actions and company strategies

packstrategy helps the company to

  • estimate the market chances and risks of their new technology
  • understand the strengths and weaknesses of competing technologies
  • find market niches with high growth potential for high-barrier films
  • identify potential customers in the growth markets
  • define a realistic growth strategy for their new technology

Converting and packaging production

In addition to the legal and regulatory requirements (e.g. EU plastic strategy, packaging law), successful packaging manufacturers and converters have to define sustainable growth strategies for the increasing variety of online goods. Simultaneously, product cycles are becoming shorter and there is a trend towards the individualization and serialization of packaging.

Project example of sales risks: strategic growth analysis of multi-layer bottles
A manufacturer of multilayer bottles, e.g. for juices, is concerned about risks resulting from the discussion on recyclability of multilayer bottles.

packstrategy analyzes and assesses

  • the latest trends for the bottle market
  • the current market volume subdivided by packaging materials (multilayer, PA-compounds, glass, drinks carton etc.)
  • the economical and socio-demographical
  • the political and legal framework (e.g. EU plastics strategy, demands resulting form the new German Packaging Law)
  • the future market potential of multilayer-bottles and their substitution threats
  • the economic feasibility of different courses of actions and company strategies

packstrategy helps the company to


  • estimate the medium-term and long-term sales risks
  • develop market niches and long-term sales strategies
  • identify market niches with high growth potential
  • develop and plan investments into new Technologies
  • prepare adaption decisions

Packaging engineering

Today’s variety of products poses great challenges for packaging engineers. The trend is towards smaller lot sizes that can be brought to market in a very short time. Manufacturers react to this with highly flexible systems that are equipped with a wide variety of filling, closing, or printing systems, and which can be easily converted to other products or packaging.

Project example of vertical takeover: digital printing expansion strategy
A manufacturer of packaging machines wants to increase its portfolio in the area of digital printing

packstrategy analyzes and assesses

  • the latest trends for packaging printing, especially for digital printing
  • the current market volume subdivided into printing technologies, product categories and regions
  • the economical, socio-demographical and legal Framework
  • the future market potential subdivided into printing technologies, product categories and regions
  • the specialized suppliers in the area of digital packaging printing, including market shares, technology portfolio, strengths and weaknesses, turnover, employees, owner structure
  • the suitability of the top specialized suppliers in the area of digital packaging printing as potential takeover targets

packstrategy helps the company to

  • gain a deeper understanding of the digital packaging printing market
  • identify specialized suppliers in the area of digital packaging printing that fit their own company and strategy
  • make a good decision on how to successfully grow as a company by vertically integrating

Strategic Consultancy in Packaging Markets

In packstrategy, two industry specialists have pooled their expertise: GVM is one of the leading B2B market research companies with a focus on packaging, and sciendea is one of the consulting experts in the development of growth strategies. Together we utilize our many years of experience to help your company grow successfully and sustainably in the packaging market.


40 years of experience in the packaging environment


20 years of consulting experience – nationally and internationally


10 years of trustworthy and successful cooperation